NahamconCTF: SaaS - Syscall as a Service

14 jun. 2020

Category: pwn
Points: 100
Challenge Binary: saas

You've heard of software as a service, but have you heard of syscall as a service?


The program lets us make arbitrary amd64 system calls except:

The return value of the system call is echoed back to the user. Also the binary has all protections enabled:

RELRO           STACK CANARY      NX            PIE             RPATH      RUNPATH      Symbols         FORTIFY Fortified       Fortifiable  FILE
Full RELRO      Canary found      NX enabled    PIE enabled     No RPATH   No RUNPATH   77 Symbols     Yes      0               1       saas

Exploit Strategy

If the binary wouldn't be position independent, executing shellcode would be trivial: Just mark the text-segment as writable with mprotect() and overwrite .text with our shellcode. Unfortunately we are completely blind. As the other writeups show, we can use mmap() to get our data into the process. Since mmap() can create executable regions we can use this to store shellcode that pops a shell (see shellcode.asm). The only question that remains is: How do we get control over the instruction pointer with system calls? And that's where signals come in handy! If we manage to recrate the following code snippet we can get full code execution:

void* shellcode = mmap(NULL, 0x1337, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXECUTE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
read(0, shellcode, 0x1337);
signal(SIGHUP, shellcode);

Note that SIGHUP is chosen arbitrarily. We can use any other signal.

Installing a Signal Handler

Let's recreate

signal(SIGHUP, shellcode)

with some system calls.
The system call that installs a signal handler is sys_rt_sigaction (number 13). It takes the following arguments:

The struct sigaction looks like this:

struct kernel_sigaction
    __sighandler_t k_sa_handler;
    unsigned long sa_flags;
    void (*sa_restorer) (void);
    sigset_t sa_mask;

k_sa_handler is the handler function for the signal. This will be the address of our shellcode. sa_flags and sa_mask will be 0 since we don't want any special behaviour. sa_restorer normally contains a pointer to a function that restores the state of the process right before the signal handler was executed. This is where sigreturn normally comes into play. In our case this field doesn't matter because execve will replace the process anyway but in the exploit script I set this to the address of our shellcode. oact also doesn't matter and can be NULL and sigsetsize is 8.

Delivering a signal

I chose to deliver a signal with the sys_tgkill system call (number 234). This system call just takes a process id and a signal and delivers that signal to the process. Nothing special.

Crafting the exploit

We can now combine everything into following exploit:

  1. mmap() a region for our shellcode (must be executable)
  2. Write our shellcode into the region
  3. mmap() a region for the struct sigaction
  4. Write the following values into it:
    • k_sa_handler = shellcode
    • sa_flags = 0
    • sa_restorer = shellcode (but doesn't matter really)
    • sa_mask = 0
  5. Install the signal handler
  6. Deliver the signal

See for a concrete implementation.